Diverse Building Contractors
Promoting equality in the workplace
Tyson’s Equality and Diversity Statement demonstrates how it sets out to achieve equality and diversity within its work-force, how its recruits and trains people from local communities and sets out details of how it has added value and helped to stimulate further long term economic activity through the construction phase and beyond.
RP Tyson Construction Limited aims to:
'Promote equality of opportunity and eliminate disadvantage for all our employees, customers and partners, irrespective of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age’.
RP Tyson Construction Limited strives to:
- Recognise that everyone is different and must be treated as individuals and accepts that all have a right to their diverse culture and identity.
- Reduce disadvantage and provide equality of access to the company’s services for all.
- Consult and work with different individuals and communities to ensure all services reflect the diversity of need.
- Provide a supportive environment so that all customers and employees have the opportunity to participate and contribute to providing better services.
- Ensure the company’s workforce generally reflects the population we serve.
- Recognise and be proactive in ensuring our duties under the Race Relations Act and related codes of practice are met.
- Recognise and be proactive in ensuring our duties under the Disability Discrimination Act and related codes of practice are met.
- Recognise and be proactive in ensuring our duties under the Sex Discrimination Act 1986 and related codes of practice are met.
- Recognise and be proactive in ensuring our duties under the Equal Pay Act.
- Encourage a diverse membership of the Board of Directors for the company.
- Ensure where practical, our sub-contractors, consultants and suppliers meet the spirit of the company’s policy.