Tyson Health & Safety Practices
A Safe Working Environment
The Company requires that all employees take a pro-active role in improving Health & Safety performance. It consults with employees through regular site meetings.
All employees are encouraged to make suggestions on how methods of work can be improved. Employees have a vital role to play in achieving and maintaining good Health & Safety standards. The duties of employees are explained in the Company’s safety manual. These duties will be explained to new employees at the time of the Health & Safety induction talk on first joining the Company.
This will be reinforced through general Health & Safety awareness training courses when the Company’s working procedures and the contents of the Company’s Health & Safety manual will be brought to the attention of the employee.
The co-operation of all employees to fulfil statutory duties placed on the Company is essential.
This will be achieved by:
- Entering into a full consultation process in accordance with the Health & Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996.
- Ensuring all Site Operatives (and sub-contractors) receive a site-specific induction briefing.
- Safety representatives and the means of consultation will also be on completion of the site induction briefing.
- Holding Morning Briefings with all site operational staff.
- Convening Site Safety Meetings.
Safety Policy & Procedures
The Company Health & Safety Policy & Procedures Manual deals with consultation, co-operation and co-ordination with and between employees and sub-contractors on site. The duty upon sub-contractors to enter into a process of co-ordination and cooperation is addressed.
Tyson holds formal Health & Safety co-ordination meetings if the number of sub-contractors on site deems it necessary. Otherwise, daily onsite consultation and cross briefing will usually suffice. Sub-contractors are required to submit their own Method Statements and Risk Assessments to the Site Agent to establish that they are suitable and sufficient.
During the pre-commencement stage of a project sub-contractors are required to complete a Tyson’s safety questionnaire.
This questionnaire requires the proposed sub-contractor to provide details on the following:
- Number of employees
- Insurance details (Employee Liability Insurance & Public Liability Insurance) with details and limit of cover.
- Responsibilities within the Company for Health & Safety issues.
- Meeting the requirements of Reg 7 of the MHSWR ’99.
- Worked example of COSHH Assessment, Risk Assessment.
- Evidence of H&S Training undertaken by employees (particularly statutory training).
- Details as to any Enforcement Action taken against the sub-contractor
- Roles fulfilled by the sub-contractor under the CDM Regulations 1994.
Sub-contractors are required to furnish evidence of competence to complete the work that they are tendering for and must be able to supply appropriate references.
The Site Manager adds copies of any training certificates (issued to fulfil statutory training obligations) to the Site Health & Safety File. If the Contract Manager feels it appropriate, a more detailed audit than that at Appendix L of the Construction Safety Plan may be carried out on the proposed sub-contractor before granting approval for work. Statutory Reporting Procedures are confirmed with the sub-contractor.
The nature and scope of information required from the sub-contractor is confirmed. During the Construction Phase the Contract Manager and the Site Manager monitor sub-contractor performance. The mechanism by which this process is implemented is carried at Appendix 12 to the Company Quality Procedures Manual. This process requires the Site Manager to grade the sub-contractor, reporting on Quality, Labour attitude, Plant / Equipment in use on the site and Safety Performance.
With regard to environmental factors which affect the site Tyson holds accreditation under ISO 14001:2004 and all environmental measures are formulated, reviewed, managed and tightly controlled by the in-house QuEnSH Manager, Mr D Reynolds. Tyson also have an Environmental Policy and Procedures Manual which can be provided if required. In accordance with the Quality Management System standard procedure, prior to commencement on site utilising the Pre-Tender Health & Safety Information and, in particular, any Environmental issues within it, the QuEnSH Manager will develop the Pre-Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan which will contain an Environmental section.
Following inspection and approval by the CDM Co-ordinator, this document, along with the Environmental Policy & Procedures Manual, will be issued to all sites / Site Managers prior to site commencement. As one of the primary tasks at commencement, the Site Manager will undertake an initial ‘Environmental Assessment Form’ for submission to the QuEnSH Manager who, in turn, will check and supplement the form as necessary before re-issuing it to the site as a formal control measure document ie a site specific ‘Environmental Control Plan’.
By reference to the project documentation (Site Manager’s Weekly Safety Inspection, Contract Manager’s Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality Inspection Report and Health, Safety & Environmental Inspection/Audit Report) it can be seen that Environmental issues are monitored with the same regularity as Health & Safety covering all matters that may potentially have an adverse affect on the local community and environment.
Through implementation of Site Waste Management Plans for all sites the Company can confirm that all waste arising is dealt with by despatch to the local registered certified Recycling Centre / Waste Transfer Station. The current records confirm that approx 93% of all materials processed are recycled.